Animated Video for Industry Targeted Event

Animated Video for Industry Targeted Event

This project was created to showcase a new service at a Multifamily Highrise industry targeted event. Created all graphics, recorded voiceover, and shot all photos used in the video. Designed for a large in-person event where clip audio may not be able to be heard by all viewers.

Animated video – New Service Offering

This was a fun one to produce. I developed, scripted, storyboarded, provided voiceover, and created animations for an event commercial announcing a new service. Event AV was not reliable so it had to be designed for viewers to understand the service with little to no audio. I love creating visuals form scratch to represent the […]

Video Promo for Sale

Quick turnaround video for the Senior Vice President to present a product promotion to customers. Made for a campaign landing page. Filmed, edited, and created motion graphics.